Took advantage of a wonderful and humbling experence today. I volunteered to help out with a Heroes on the Water outing for its Tidewater, Virginia Chapter. Along with 10 other volunteers, we took 10 Marines from Portsmouth Naval Hospitals Wounded Warrior Regiment kayak fishing in Owl's Creek. I have caught lots of fish from a kayak, but none are as rewarding as watching these folks have fun and relax. Seeing their big smiles when they catch a fish is the cherry on the cake.
The volunteers also have a great time giving back.
Off they Go!
Fish on!
Big smiles, this is what its all about. Love sharing out sport with these guys.
This young lady took the cake with this 21-inch flounder, her first fish ever, and on a kayak!
More volunteers enjoying a great day on the water.
If you get a chance I highly suggest volunteering for your local HOW chapter, their website is
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