We are not just saltwater guides, we also run trips in freshwater too. However I havent got many requests for sweetwater until yesterday. Dave and Gary from Richmond, VA had a custom request to fish for Trophy Shellcrackers (biggest of the bream) for a gentlemans CPR tournament that ends on Labor day. Lake Western Branch is renowned for large shellcrackers so we loaded up th kayaks light fishiing tackle and dozens of night crawlers and headed for the lake.
The idea was to fish in about 8-12 feet of water, we used the fisfinder to locate fish in these areas and bottom bounced worms. We started out with some small fish but not many bigger fish, we had one to go about 8 inches, but we were looking for 10-12 inch fish. All of a sudden Davids rod goes off, his 4-pound test bream outfit looked like a bow, and on the verge of breaking.
After a bout 5-minutes of fight, and speculation of what this monster was, it finally came to the surface. A nice 10-pound 27-inch channel catfish.
Not a bad fish for such light gear and from a kayak no doubt. The big shellcrackers were hard to find, but after talking to the boater out looking for th same, we had a much better day. We are still running trips until it gets cold and the spotted trout are showing up in Lynnhaven, book now the wewthwr ia getting cool but the fiahing should be heating up. See you on the water!