Monday, September 27, 2010

Fishing with Heroes

Had the honor of kayak fishing with 18 warriors from Project Healing Waters and the Marine Wounded Warrior Regiment. This trip was organized as part of the 6th Annual TKAA Charity Kayak Fishing Tournament. Each year the Heores On the Water or HOW, organizes volunteers and equipment to take these deserving indiviuals out for a day of kayak fishing.

We had both fly and conventional anglers and every one took to kayak fishing like it was second nature. For the rest of the day we were all kayak anglers.

Some took to the open water solo, while others found a spot with their brothers and enjoyed the day. These Marines found the hot spot of the day.

This particular Marine caught his first kayak fish today, and others even caught their first fish ever..on the kayak. I believe they might be hooked.

I take pride in being able to "give back" to these deserving indiviuals by sharing my passion. In one way or another I believe we are doing in a day, what it takes the government much longer to do. HOW continues to grow and chapters are organizing nationwide. If you want to volunteer or contribute to the Heroes on the Water, please check out their website at

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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Lynnhaven Scouting trip.

Got an early start to scout out some spots in Lynnhaven Inlet. I was joined by Mark Lozier, Jay Kocan , and IFA competitor Scott Inge from Raleigh, NC.
Paddling into the sunrise.
Scott starts the morning with a nice sleighride.
He nets a nice redfish after a quick but hearty fight.
The fish ends up being a nice 28-inch multi spotted redfish. It hit a redfish magic spinnerbait.

It was not a gangbuster day but things seem to be picking up, we even managed a few trout this morning. We have lots of slots open for fall give us a call to get in on the action.