Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Kiptopeake Kows Come Home

On monday I made my second attempt to catch a Kiptopeake Kow. Left work about 2pm and made the 45-min drive across the CBBT to Kiptopeake State Park. When I got there there were already kayak anglers on the water, Kayak Kevin and Shante were set up to film footage for his upcoming DVD "Kayak Fishing the Chespeake Bay". Jay Flemming was also on the water taking some phonemenal stills.

Kayak Kevin and Shante with their cameras running!

There was a great sunset, but my Sony a700 is getting serviced, so I had to catch some stills from my HD camcorder. They are OK but not up to par with the DSLR's.

Jim Porter came down from Maryland he caught this nice citation striper during the daytime bite. Photo courtesy of Jim Porter, taken by Jay Flemming.

Chad Hoover caught this monster 51.5-inch striper at the pound net poles. Photo courtesy of

We are offering trips out to the ship, but we require you have the proper winter paddling apparel. Call or email us for details. The fishery here is very unpredictable, but get there at the right time and the payoff can be BIG!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Cold Water Kayak Self Rescues

Was joined by 6 members of the TKAA for our annual turtle recovery practice. We use this opportunity to let people know the reality of cold water kayak fishing and to see if their clothing and gear can make the cut. As always I am the first to go over or "turtle".

TKAA tournament director Wayne Bradby excuting his turtle.

And his successful recovery. "IM ALIVE"!

Tom, Justin, and Vic waiting for their turn.

Group shot of all the participants, everyone successfully recovered and came prepared. Everyone went inot the 40 degree water and noone went home wet and cold.

We are keeping an eye on the Striper fishing at Kiptopeake I have a few trips pending and will start booking as soon as the bit gets hot. In January we will premier our new website start to stream episodes of the show. We will also shut down charters to have booths the winter fishing shows (dates and locations will be posted soon). See you on the water or at the shows.